
庆祝博士. Marcia Bedasse: Adjusting to Fulfill God’s Divine 目的 

Dr. Marcia Bedasse黑人历史月专题


“凡人啊,他已指示你何为善. 耶和华向你要什么呢? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.弥迦书6:8  

 这段经文一直是博士的指路明灯. Marcia Bedasse, Dean of Education and Behavioral Studies at 十大赌博网站. “God instilled in me a passion for the underserved,” shared Dr. Bedasse. “Micah 6:8 keeps me grounded while reminding me to be alert to the needs of God’s people.” 

 As we celebrate Black History Month, individuals like Dr. 贝达斯提醒我们奉献的力量, 信仰, and the impact one can have on the community if we follow the purpose and passion God lays on our hearts.  

 Shifting from a Dream of the Courtroom to the Classroom 

 他在牙买加出生和长大. Bedasse’s initial ambition was to become a lawyer and contribute to developing her country of birth. Little did she know that her path would take her from that dream to dedicating decades of her life to uplifting others through education.  

It was while completing an internship at a law firm in Miami that Dr. 贝达斯意识到她真正的使命是教书.

“After university, I taught kindergarten, and I discovered that teaching was my purpose,”她说。. “Throughout much of my teaching career, I served in high-poverty schools with diverse populations. 就在那时,我对那些得不到服务的人产生了同情. Serving diverse families who struggled taught me to seek to understand, 在他们所在的地方遇见他们, 和谦卑.” 


 Dr. Bedasse’s professional journey is a testament to the idea that sometimes, 不是我们找到目标,而是目标找到我们. Her role at 十大赌博网站 was not something she sought out, 但正如她所说的, 神的干预. 

  The alignment of this opportunity with her inner call for a career shift nudged her to apply.  

“PBA的工作找到了我,”她分享道. 当我在十大赌博网站学区工作时, I got a call from a friend who told me that PBA had a position in the education department. 我谢过他,告诉他我会考虑的. Simultaneously I was feeling the call to take my career in a different direction. 在祈祷和与家人讨论之后, I decided to apply and was honored to join the School of Education and Behavioral Science team as my hope was that this would be an opportunity for me to, 在上帝的指引下, influence a broader base of teachers as they embarked on their journey to touch the lives …[across] economic and racial boundaries.” 


 Dr. Bedasse’s career at PBA is marked by growth and transformation, 不仅是为了她自己,也是为了学校. 加入PBA三年后, she was asked to step into the role of Dean of Education and Behavioral Studies. She sees it as a privilege, allowing her to positively influence countless lives.

“That was and still is the motivation in taking this role,” she added. 要改变人们的生活,还有很多工作要做, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to do that work.” 

在她的领导下, her team has achieved state reaccreditation and is engaging with the community through various programs to ensure the impact of their work is deep and lasting.

“The contributions made in my time here at PBA could not have been possible without the efforts of the team I am privileged to serve alongside,”医生说。. Bedasse. “I am most proud of the willingness of our team to embark on growing and changing. We are implementing structures to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in responding to current needs; we have been successful in gaining state reaccreditation and also in submitting documents for new accreditations.”  

As she reflected on her professional journey and the path it has taken, Dr. Bedasse provided this advice to students and young professionals.

“My advice would be to steep yourself in the Word of God. 我发现它是最好的旅游指南. 知道你的“为什么”,并忠实于这个原因. Live curiously [and] be intentional in seeking to learn and grow. 最后,花时间休息、充电和反思.” 


 It’s Black History Month, and we could not round out our interview questions without asking where Dr. Bedasse has found inspiration for her own personal and professional growth. She cites the influence of those unknown to the world but who were her personal mentors.

“他们都不是名人,”她强调说. “他们帮助塑造了我的人生. 我高中的女校长就是这样一个人 牙买加金斯敦的仁爱学院阿尔法修道院玛丽·伯纳黛特·利特尔修女. Sister Bernadette reminded me often to live out our high school motto, 真理与正义《博彩平台网址大全》.'”  

She also shared that her great-grandmother taught her from an early age what it means to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, 要像对待自己一样对待你的邻居.路加福音10:27. 当然,还有她父亲的影响. 他给我灌输了一种自信, empowered me to be a risktaker and challenged me to give of my best in everything I do,”她说。.   

 为博士. Bedasse, Black History Month is not just a time to acknowledge but to celebrate African Americans’ invaluable contributions to the country’s development.

“Tim Hatcher notes that “{W}hen we celebrate it gives us a way to feel good about ourselves, 以及我们的成就,”她说。. “When we celebrate we are reinforcing something important to us. 没有它,我们只能维持现状……” 

 Dr. 贝达斯是目标和变革的灯塔, embodying the spirit of Black History Month in February and throughout the year. We salute her unwavering commitment to education and community service.

遵循这个 link 了解更多关于Dr. Bedasse and the School of Education and Behavioral Studies. 


